Tuesday, August 18, 2009

well its a tough one

when working out what makes you happy you probably should make sure your not going to change your mind.

For his one I'm going to go completely bloke orientated ridiculousness but being totally honest... The Crows winning makes me happy.

Just so you understand. The Crows WINNING makes me happy, not their existence nor losing... just the winning part!

So in honour of all things Adelaide Crows

thanks to warriordoc.com and the AFC.com for the image!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The first thing

That's right! a full breakfast, nothing in the world screams "Happy Day" than a full breakfast of Bacon, Eggs, Mushrooms, Tomato and of course BBQ'd salami (or sausage for for other people).

Even if you have the worst hang over in the world, had a crap week at work the saturday morning breakfast reminds you that the simple things in life are as enjoyable as any other and no disappointing job or frustrating employer can take that away!

The commencement of happiness

Lets face it, there comes a time in your life that you realise despite how bad it gets something has to improve. So I have dedicated this blog to things that made,make or might make me happy now in the past or potentially in the future!

due to privacy I'm not going to put a picture of my Wife, who makes me happy in present (most likely future as well)

So to D... you know who you are!